Multimedia Art Museum

There is a common opinion that during summer museums do not make interesting expositions, after all, anyway, many are on vacation or prefer to spend time outside while the weather is good. And if in European museums as a whole this tendency is traced, in Moscow this summer museums opened interesting exhibitions one after another. And about one of them we will tell :)
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This summer MAMM showed a vivid exposition which included the works of the famous Alec Monopoli, Andrei Bilzho's cartoons about football performed by his "Petrovich", the eternal classic by Heinz Hajek-Halke and the bright floor of the design and contemporary art called 'Mad House'.

Who is Alec Monopoli? He is a graffiti artist, became famous thanks to his fictional character, Mr. Monopoli, a good-natured banker, whom the artist portrays in various situations.

Meanwhile Alec began to introduce to public other characters, Scrooge McDuck, Rich Richie and many others. Today, Alec's signature at the bottom of his graffiti is very much appreciated. His works are in the collections of many American stars, for example, Adrien Brody and Robert De Niro. He is young, rich and influential in art circles. In 2016, the artist became a creative consultant to the renowned Swiss watch brand TAG Heuer. The exhibition featured 17 unique paintings by Alec Monopoli and 1 sculpture, symbolizing the partnership of Alec and the TAG Heuer brand.
The exhibition of Andrei Bilzho was especially relevant during the World Cup, because the hero of the cartoonist is "Petrovich- a city madman who tells all what's on his mind... Through this character I can tell almost everything that bothers me and that interests me." (A. Bilzho)
Andrei Bilzho is a psychiatrist , candidate of medical sciences and observes all aspects of the fans' hearts. This exhibition is about football and not only.. First of all, it is about the atmosphere prevailing in the stadium during a football match, which Bilzho conveys with his inherent sense of humor with the help of his favorite characters.
At the exhibition you could play table football and laugh at the statements of Bilzho's characters about the game.
"Nothing can be hidden on the football field. I am interested not only and not so much about the game itself, but the details around it. The behavior of football players not only during the game, but outside of it. I wonder how they rejoice, how they worry, how angry they are, how they focus. I wonder what a football player's hairstyle is, what tattoos he has. I wonder how the coach spits.
How he itches and where. Is he able to control himself or not. And why the coach is usually in a suit and tie. But the result of the match interests me the least. "

Экспериментальная фотография Хайнца Хаек-Хальке 1930-60 годов особо запомнилась.. Он стал одним из тех пионеров – экспериментаторов, которые сделали настоящий переворот в истории фотографии!

В 20-х годах прошлого века в фотоискусстве появилось новое художественное направление, основанное на совмещении разных фотографий и использовании понятия «фотоформа». Сейчас нам сложно оценить по достоинству новаторство фотографа, но если вспомнить о времени его творчества, когда не было фотошопа и мультиэкспозиции и все делалось вручную. Он стал настоящим профессионалом в фотомонтаже, многократной экспозиции, фотограммах. Так, например, Хайнц Хаек-Хальке увлекался «проволочным монтажом» — создавал из гибкой проволоки конструкции, которые устанавливал на подсвеченные вращающиеся платформы. Круговое движение этих конструкций вкупе со смещением света в момент фотографирования создавало причудливые и сложные образы.

And finally, the whole floor of Mad House frenzy! This is a project of the museum about the person in whose house we got.

In colloquial language, the phrase "crazy house" is a synonym for confusion. But here this expression should be taken literally :)
The imaginary inhabitant of this house is a collector, a fetishist and a little bit of a sociopath. He expresses himself through the collection and feels comfortable in chaos. The owner of the house does everything in his own way and violates the usual disposition of things. Works of art matched to his bizarre taste covered the walls with a dense carpet.
Art objects are put to pedestals and these are mainly things of the 1950s and 1980s of mid-century and postmodern. No less passionately, the owner of Mad House collects art; his art begins in the late 1980s. Judging by the presence in the collection works by Kabakov, Chuikov, Bulatov, Pepperstein, the mad collector is clearly interested in conceptualism.
Author Anna Laza
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