Digitalization has reached every sphere of nowadays human life. As years are passing by, more and more ways of how to develop our culture in the digital sphere are emerging. It's like a search for an ideal form of life and a world order!
Nowadays do exist applications, where it is possible to build your personal, yet digital world, or even to create virtual avatars. Where you would live on a currently neutral territory of the virtual space, not based on any kind of political, culture or other preferences.
The surge of interest for metaverses (or the virtual space) was due to the pandemic and mass quarantines, when people were forced to sit at home, not being able to go anywhere. This was what led us to modern reality, where it is possible for everyone to attend a concert of their favourite singer while being in online game, chat with friends using virtual avatars and even allow these avatars to run their own social networks.
Specialists, including Gartner, a company making researches on the information technology market, say that by 2026 more than 25% of the world population will spend more than an hour a day in the Metaverse, using different types of virtual reality technologies for work, studying and hobbies.